Archive | September 2021

Embracing God’s Peace and Joy,and Qualities of a high value woman of God

Welome Fall! My favorite time of year. Beautiful colors, fresh air, I love it. Romans 14:17 God’s kingdom is righteouness, peace, and joy. This is the foundation , the promise and inheritance of believers. This means conforming your nature to God’s right way of doing things. Having peace in your heart, peace in your home and peace with those around you. John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Having the peace that surpasses understanding means not being not being moved by your outward circumstances. As Paul says in Phillipians 4:11 I’ve learned whatever state I’m in therewith to be content abased or abound. He had to learn it , it didnt come natural to him. It takes going through in order to strenghthen your faith. Knowing that God is well able and in control. Don’t ever settle for anything less than God’s best for you.

As high value women, our presence, our time, our love, our energy are precious resources from God never waste it on those that do not appreciate you. Instead embrace God’s peace and joy everyday! Knowing that the almighty God is bigger than our problems, bigger than our dissapointments and challenges. I stop by to tell you to be encouraged today keep going, you’re looking good. Read the qualities of a high value woman below.


So what is a high value Woman of God? A high value woman embraces self love,high value, and feminity. A high value woman of God first feeds her mind and soul with the word and knowlege of God consistantly. You shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous.” – Joshua 1:8. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his rigteouness and all these things will be added.

A high-value woman has a combination of amazing qualities that enable her to live a life where she gets the respect and admiration she deserves from men and from everyone else in her life.She is confident in standing by her standards and she is willing to walk away when a man doesn’t step up to meet her needs.Men are so attracted to this type of woman because she challenges him and at the same time, she inspires him to step up and be a better man.

I believe every woman has an innate high-value. Some of us just don’t realize how valuable we are so we justify and accept poor circumstances and mistreatment. Furthermore, we don’t take the time to fully explore what we want and what we don’t want.

Being a high-value woman men crave comes down to you knowing your boundaries and standards, expressing them in a feminine way, and embracing the consequences of standing firm on them.This screams high-value because you are choosing yourself first. Men fall in love with women who do this – not people pleasing nice girls.

  • She has standards in place that she stands firm on.

A high-value woman knows what she wants and needs from a man to be satisfied in a relationship. As a result she sets standards for herself and for the man she’s dating to get those needs met.

When a man disregards her standards the high-value woman expresses her feelings around it in a feminine way and if he doesn’t shift his behavior she leaves the relationship. Always remember pride makes excuses humility makes adjustments.

  • She’s confident and if not, she works to become confident

Beconfident in knowing that you are the prize. Start being unapologetic in who you are and know that your soul mate or your dream guy is hunting for you.

In knowing that, you are going to start oozing confidence and you’re not going to accept bad behavior.

You saying no to things that don’t feel good like men showing up late for dates, not opening your door, not offering you the commitment you deserve is what will make you high-value.A confident woman doesn’t apologize for being who she truly is and expressing what she wants. Instead, she stands up for what she believes in, she doesn’t hold back on enforcing her standards, and she believes that she is worthy of love and queen like treatment.

  • She embraces her temple and takes special care of it.

A high-value woman nurtures and accepts her body flaws and all. She demonstrates this by staying fit, eating healthy, and making her outer appearance a visual representation of her internal qualities.

She understands that no matter how busy she gets or what she has going on she should always spend time taking care of her body. This shows her self-respect and dedication to becoming the best version of herself.

Men are very visual and they love seeing a woman who takes care of herself by showing love to her body.

Make a habit of nurturing and loving your body

  • She has healthy priorities that stay in place even after she’s in a relationship.

A high-value woman has priorities that directly correlate to her values and she incorporates her priorities into her daily routine.

Most women have priorities but usually, after meeting someone and committing to a relationship, they start to procrastinate or disregard them all together.

This is where we start to unconsciously form unhealthy priorities and usually when men start to pull away and lose attraction.

Having healthy priorities is essential to your overall happiness and it will help you stay grounded in your values while living a well-balanced life.

Once the man in your life sees you respecting yourself by following through with your priorities he will admire you deeply and he will see you as long-term partner material. However the most important thing is to know your worth single or attached.

Fall is a great time to revive your fitness routine. Read SCW’s healthy tips below to get you started.

Stretch it out-Don’t underestimate the importance of stretching before and after your workout

Buddy Up- jog with a partner and support each other on the road back to fitness

Change it up,try different activities to get your exercise. The goal is to be active.

Couple up/ A great way to bond and encourage your partner

Verse of the day

Look Up!

Look up and lift your heads for your redemption draws near Luke 21:28. Celebrating Labor day! To all of the hardworking people in this country and around the world you deserve a break. Come unto me all ye that labor and I will give you rest. Today here at SCW we’re talking about work/life balance. It can be challenging to create a work life balance. However it is important to have both ,work and a life. God wants us to enjoy our lives as well as the fruits of our labor. In fact how will you enjoy the fruits of your labor if you do not make time for it?

The first secret to creating a work/life balance is that you have to see it as priority. If you don’t view it as something important you’ll never make time for it. The consequences of not having a work/life balance and not viewing it as important is burn-out. At this stage you are drained,resentful,and lacking energy to do the things you want or need to do. First what exactly is work/ life balance?Work-life balance is a concept that emphasizes the benefits of balancing your time and energy between work and free time. 

There isn’t a perfect balance that applies to everyone—people’s ideal work-life balance is an extremely personal preference.Not only is achieving a healthy work/life balance an attainable goal but workers and businesses alike see the rewards. When workers are balanced and happy, they are more productive, take fewer sick days, and are more likely to stay in their jobs. It is important to keep in mind that creating work-life balance is a continuous process as your family, interests and work life change. 

With that in mind periodically examine your priorities — and make changes, if necessary — to make sure you’re keeping on track. Get out your pen and pad. Yes, write it down. Writing things down somehow makes it more concrete and more likely that you will carry it out. Like the bible says “write the vision and make it plain. Next take action! Something pratical that you can do if you’re just getting started is to make an action plan list for each day. Your action plan list will include priorities like, work, picking kids up from school, helping with homework, making dinner.

However if your action plan looks like this everyday it’s time for change! Do you see what’s missing? Time for self. Time to do the things that you would like to do. Sometimes we’re so tired from doing the things we have to do that we’re just too tired to do things we want to do? Sad but true. So we have to actually push ourselves to have a little relaxtion and fun. It doesn’t have to be a full blown vacation.

I’m talking daily activities that are soley of your choosing. Like for instance actually calling that friend you’d like to catch up with. An uninterrupted bubble bath at the end of a long day. You get the idea. The point is you are relaxed and connecting with others. Time alone is also a precious activity if for instance you have small children who demand almost a hundred percent of your time. If that has to be at night when they’re sleeping so be it.Maybe that’s a time for watching that movie you’ve been wanting to see uninterrupted. The point is you need an outlet regulary. So make time for it. Below are some tips for creating a realistic work/ life balance.

Don’t be afraid to say ‘no.’

Some people have a hard time saying “no,” but trying to please everyone can result in a major time-suck, cutting into your time away from work.

Don’t be afraid to decline last-minute meetings or send an unscheduled call to voicemail. Don’t do things out of guilt; instead, focus your time on your top priorities.

While that may be difficult at first, you will soon feel comfortable saying “no,” especially when you notice how it improves your productivity and has a direct impact on your work-life balance. 

Unplug from work when it’s family/personal time.

Two hours of quality family time in the evening that are completely distraction free are better than three hours of family time that include checking your email every 15 minutes and doing other work-related tasks.

When you are away from work, either engaging in an activity you enjoy or spending time with your family, try to completely unplug from work. That’s not always possible to do — and that potential impossibility is something you sign up for when you become an entrepreneur — but when it is possible, take full advantage.

The quality of time, not necessarily the amount, will play a bigger role than you expect in improving your work-life balance.

Choose a company that values work life balance. An organization that truly cares for its team members will never penalize employees for prioritizing work life balance. It’s important to research all aspects of company culture before accepting a new job.

Understand that there is no ‘perfect’ scenario.

As an entrepreneur, you may find it difficult to achieve the perfect work-life balance. But, if you go in knowing this, you will find it much easier to focus on making adjustments that improve your work-life balance, not perfect it.

Unexpected meetings will come up, and you may have to cancel plans to attend a social event at the last minute. It happens. Expect it.

Verse of the day: