
Spiritual and Emotional Healing for the next Season of your Life

You are blossoming in this Season! Happy Spring SCW family. To God be the Glory for the things he has done. The first official day of Spring this year is Monday March 20th 2023. Spring brings with it a freshness, a newness, that is full of possibilities and that is exciting.Your testimony may be that God has kept you through the last season to make it to this one. If You are healthy and well give God a praise. Health is wealth.Jeremiah 33:6 – Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security. I feel fabulous.I take really good care of myself with diet, exercise, and spiritual nourishment.I encourage women to put ourselves first a little more.

You are a resource that the entire family draws from. The husband, kids,. In addition you have your careers,social interests,balancing fitness. It’s a lot for one person, you need replenishment. You have to make it a priority. I went out of town for my birthday this year and I had a lot that I needed to do and one of them was the spa for a massage.. I had planned on going. While I was there I having such a good time shopping and seeing my friends from the East Coast, that I thought I can just skip the spa. But then I thought that that’s exactly the type of thing you need to prioritize.

It’s the very idea of putting yourself first. If you are exhausted and worn out you’ll have no energy to give to your family or for yourself.. Make sense? So this year we will prioritize ourselves by taking continual steps to do something that nurtures us.Be at exercising, drinking more water, taking more baths instead of showers, regular manicures and pedicures. Try getting your makeup done. Plan a 2 day getaway with your girlfriends. You also might want to consider a women’s christian retreat.Remember that you have practical as well as spiritual needs. Your soul has a need to be fed spiritual food. As God is healing your inside go ahead and nurture your outside as well.

1 Peter 2:24 – He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed

Life can take it’s toll on all us. Transitions, Family, careers,sickness, death of loved ones spiritual attacks,etc..The bible says that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers us out of them all.Allow God to heal you from the past and walk in to the newness of life that is waiting for you. I want to pray for you. Let’s Pray

Prayer for Healing

Father, help me to keep my focus on You when the pain and hurt are overwhelming. Help me be faithful and see the good and blessings surrounding me. Please strengthen my mind, heart, and body, and heal me today. May the Holy Spirit guide me in peace and comfort. Amen.”

Smart Tip of the Day : I heard something absolutely amazing I want to share with you.” Choosing Yourself sometimes mean saying No and not entertaining an energy dynamic that is Not a representation of your self respect! The Power of a Woman who can walk Away! Time to make room ladies for the best is yet to come that I can promise you. Guard your hearts and minds, keep praising God, keep your integrity and be the high value woman God created you to be.

International Women’s Day is March 8, 2023

Verse of the Day:

3John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you and that you may be in good health even as thy soul prospers.

Life More Abundantly, The simple Life is the Good Life

How can our lives become more abundant? By trusting God and making the necessary changes to simplify our lives we live richer fuller lives that ultimately glorify God. I hope you are enjoying this 4 part series on Simplifying our lives. If you are just tuning in Joyce Meyer’s book on simplifying your life blessed me so much I had to share it with SCW’s readers. Smart Christian Women are smart enough to know that the simple life is the best life!

Simplify Your Life

1.Let go of what lies behind- It’s imperative that we get our minds out of the past in order to see God’s plan for today. Every day is a new day containing tremendous possibilities: new life, new hopes , new dreams, we can’t stay entrenched in the mistakes and disappointments of yesterday. It’s a trap of the enemy. Let go of what lies behind and move forward.

Joyce Meyer

2.Stay out of debt- Excessive debt makes life more complex than it needs to be and places great pressure on the borrower. It also puts a tremendous burden on a marriage. Statistics say that the burden is so heavy it is the root cause of many divorces. One of the worst things that can complicate and spiral our lives into torturous, chokehold financial debt. Our society makes it very easy to get into debt. Merchants tempt you to buy things now pay for them later by using credit cards a billion- dollar industry today in America. We live in a time where people are very impatient and care very little about the future. They live for the moment but the cold hard truth is that tomorrow always comes and tomorrow we will be forced with the result of what we did today. Proverbs 22:7 The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

Joyce Meyer

3.Only Believe-With Humility comes peace and power- Humility is a doorway to a simple yet powerful life , lived joyfully. Animosity is a wedge between individuals that opens the door for the devil to bring destruction. It is a negative emotion which complicates our life and hurts our hearts and the heart’s of others. When a person always feels the need to tell someone what they think they know it proves they really don’t know anything at all. If they did they would know you need to listen more than you talk the Bible says contention only comes by pride.

Joyce Meyer

4.Be Merciful- Another way to simplify your life, increase your peace and improve relationships is to be merciful. Mercy cannot be deserved. It is a gift given to one who does not deserve it. God is merciful and it is because of his great mercy we are not consumed by our own sin. He gives us mercy first and then expects us to let it flow through us to other people.

Joyce Meyer

Proverbs11:17 The merciful, kind, and generous man benefits himself for his deeds return to bless him, but he who is cruel and callous to the wants of others bring on himself retribution.

Joyce Meyer

5. Be realistic in your expectations- We all hurt and disappoint one another simply because we have inherent weaknesses. we are naturally selfish and tend to do what is best for us instead of what’s best for other people. As we mature spiritually through our relationship with God he can help us overcome these selfish tendencies. But while we’re in the process of changing we will make mistakes. The bible says put no confidence in the flesh. God wants our trust in him.

Joyce Meyer

6. Be quick to forgive- One of the quickest ways to complicate your life is to hold grudges. God tells us in his word to be quick to forgive for a reason.. See James 1:19. He wants us to enjoy peace. He says we should pray for those who have hurt us because they’re really hurting themselves see Proverbs 11:17.When we do that it releases God to deal with the person who has wronged us. We do ourselves a favor when we forgive because it releases us from a prison of inner turmoil and greatly simplifies our lives.

Joyce Meyer

7.Keep your conscious clear- Nothing complicates our life like a guilty conscious. We may try to ignore it but it’s always whispering to us reminding us that we have not done what is right. There are only two ways to live with a clear conscious. The first is to do what is right.; and if we fail in that, we move to the second choice, which is to be quick to repent, to admit our sins and ask for God’s forgiveness and man’s if necessary. We should determine to do our best in life. It is only then that we feel better about everything. We may still fail but at least we’ll have the comfort of knowing we did not fail on person.

Joyce Meyer

8. Be Adaptable- If your motto is my way or no way you are in for rough ride. A spirit of pride is at the root of unwillingness to adapt and adjust to the desires of others. It is much simpler to adapt and hold your peace than it is to fight and war and end up in strife. By never learning to take your turn to be the one who adapts and adjusts. Your life certainly won’t be simple. I struggled with this concept for years and I finally decided peace was more important. God tells us in his word if we humble ourselves he will be the one to exalt us. Be ready to adapt if you want to simplify your life.

Joyce Meyer

9.Be Decisive- Simplicity prays, seeks wisdom, and decides. The apostle James said the double – minded man is unstable in all his ways and will not receive anything he asks of God.

Joyce Meyer

10. Think before you speak- Before you speak ask yourself if what your going to say is true, is kind, is necessary, is helpful. If the answer is no. Maybe what your about to say should be left unsaid. Proverbs 13:3 He who guards his mouth keeps his life, but he who opens wide his lips comes to ruins.

Joyce Meyer

11.Follow your heart- Top thine own heart be true. One of the ways we make our lives so complex is we veer off course and ignore what is really important to us. If we put aside our own hearts and follow what the world thinks we should and ought to do. We will find ourselves unfulfilled and empty. Life will be tasteless. We will go through the motions, but nothing will satisfy us. What do you want out of life? What do you believe God’s will for you is? When I ask “what do you want out of life I’m not talking about selfish desire. I’m talking about heart desire.

Joyce Meyer

12. Be Positive- A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; and optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Sir Winston Churchill. Esphesians 4:23 And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind. having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude.

Joyce Meyer

13.Don’t worry about your children- Do the best job you can to raise your children according to Godly principles and leave the rest to God. Some people feel if they don’t worry about their children they are not being good parents. the Bible teaches us worry is not God’s will for us and is useless. Mathew 6:27 And who of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature or span of life? We need to pray for our children then cast your care on God.

Joyce Meyer

14.Be quick to Forgive- Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right. It makes you free. God tells us in his word to be quick to forgive for a reason James 1:19. He wants us to enjoy peace that’s impossible if we are bitter, angry, and resentful. God is our vindicator and he is a just God.

Joyce Meyer

15. Choose your battles- There are far too many battles in life to try to fight them all, so we must choose the ones we feel are worth the effort.

Joyce Meyer

16.Avoid Excess- Excess is the devil’s playground. Any time we become excessive in anything.

Joyce Meyer

17.Mind your own business- We all have enough business of our own to take care of without getting involved in other people’s business. Pray that people will follow God and then don’t worry about what they are doing.

Joyce Meyer

18. Have simple friends- The people we spend time with affect us ,so it stands to reason if we want a more simple life, we should not have a lot of complicated people for close friends . If i’am around people who are intense and always stressed out, they get me stressed. but if i’am around people who are peaceful, it helps me remain peaceful too. Proverbs 22;24 Make no friendships with a man given to anger, and with a wrathful man do not associate.

Joyce Meyer

19.Keep prayer simple- we think that simple prayer can’t be acceptable to God. God has challenged me to pray simply. Matthew 6:8 God knows what you have need of before you ask.

Joyce Meyer

20. Remember God is for you- Statistics say that 10% of people we encounter won’t like us. There is nothing we can do about it. God is for us and since he is so mighty and so awesome it really doesn’t matter who’s against us. Think about who is on your side not who is against you. There are many people who do love and accept you. it is much more enjoyable to keep your mind on them.

Joyce Meyer

21. Don’t plan for perfection- Unrealistic expectations can steal your peace and joy. Only God is perfect and the rest of us are under construction.

Joyce Meyer

22.Give it to God.- Let go and let God it immediately simplifies our situation no matter how difficult.

Joyce Meyer

23.Be easy to get along with- It is impossible to enjoy a simple life unless your easy to get along with. There was a time in my life when I was hard to get along with and God showed me I was the problem. Are you hard to please? Do you demand your own way? How do you handle correction? Ask yourself these questions and ask God for his help to better yourself in this area.

Joyce Meyer

24.Define personal priorities- Our journeys in life will bring us to many unavoidable decisions. God wants us to make wise decisions. Having wisdom is choosing to do now what we will be happy with later.

Joyce Meyer

25. Find the most efficient way to do things. For example learn to combine errands. Plot out a route that doesn’t waste time and gas set aside a specific time each week to go where you need to go. Make lists of phone calls you need to make. set aside a time to to this. Think about what you’ve been doing recently and come up with ways to be more efficient.

Joyce Meyer

  • Prepare yourself mentally.
  • Get some sun — When it’s sunny outside, our bodies produce more of a hormone called serotonin. …
  • Watch what you eat — If you want to stay up late on Saturday night (who doesn’t?), avoid eating heavy meals or drinking alcohol within two hours of bedtime.
  • Consider setting your clocks ahead and making it faster. You’ll give yourself extra time each day.

Verse of the day:

Letting go of the Past and Simplifying your Life in the New Year

Out with the old in with the new in 2022. This year at SCW we’re simplifying our lives. You’ll enjoy this 4 part series. More and more we’re leading busy complicated lives that increases our stress levels. What we wouldn’t give for our lives to just be simpler. Well it’s not automatic. We have to work at leading simpler lives. Working at it means making adjustments and changes wherever necessary to ensure you’re living the best quality of life minus the extra added stress. Walking with God is development. God is developing you. Letting go of the past can be difficult we get attached to people, places, and things, we experience death and loss. Our lives unfold in seasons. Sometimes people, places, and things come into our lives for a season or to fulfill a purpose and when the season is over or the purposed has been fulfilled they’re gone. We don’t always understand God’s plan and as a student of the word I don’t have all the answers, but what I can tell you is God knows what he’s doing. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9 But Rejoice! A new season is here. The Bible says to everything there is a time and a season. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Please refresh your page SCW has been updated.

I’m an avid reader, kindles are great to have but I still enjoy curling up with a good book. I’ve been so blessed by the new book I’am reading that I thought I must share it with the SCW online community. The name of the book is ” 100 Ways to Simplify your life by one of my favorite authors and bible teachers Joyce Meyer. I could recommend everyone get the book for yourselves but since there’s no guarantee of that I want to be sure my viewers have this simple practical God inspired information to simplifying your life in the new year. In life you steer the ship the best way you know how sometimes it’s smooth some times you hit the rocks. But by all means keep moving forward. The book is filled with pearls of wisdom, quotes from Joyce, and other great men and women, truly words to live by. Let your faith remain unshaken.

  1. Be Yourself – For many years of my life I tried to be like other people I tried to act like them , even look like them. After many years of misery and struggle. I finally realized God would never help me to be anyone but me. There was a reason he made me the way I’m and not like someone else. This is one of the ways Jesus came to set us free. “I have heard her share the upcoming story in many of her conferences it is a great example of learning to be yourself.”My neighbor was the perfect homemaker. She had a garden and sewed her own clothes. I tried to be like her but I couldn’t sew and was terrible at gardening. Sometimes we feel so bad about who we are, we create a fake persona to the world. This is usually when we have trouble in relationships. But when we enter in to the freedom of simply being who God created us to be the anointing of God is present and gives us favor with people. I learned to stop trying to make people like me and start trusting God for divine connections.

Joyce Meyer

2.Clear Out the Clutter- If you find yourself overwhemed by disorganization and clutter . You can change this. In order to keep my surroundings free of clutter I regulary pass things on to other people. I have learened to enjoy it and see it as a way I can give. I like nice things, but don’t want so many I can’t enjoy them because everything appears untidy and disorderly.

Joyce Meyer

3. Don’t be Afraid of what People Think- A man’s reputation is what other people think of him , his character is what he really is.” John Milton

Be excessively concerned about what other people think is an open door to torment. Of course we all enjoy being well thought of . But it is not possible to be liked by everybody all the time. Someone is not going to like you or think negatively about you and there’s nothing you can do about it. The bible says we should cast all of our cares upon God and that includes the care of what other people think.

Joyce Meyer

4. Don’t be so hard on yourself- Are you quick to judge or criticize yourself? If so I highly recommend you read Matthew 11:28- 30. Jesus said he is not harsh, hard, sharp, and pressing, but he is humble, gentle, meek and lowly. Ask him for a second chance, or a third or fourth, or whatever you need. God is full of mercy , and he is long- suffering. His loving kindness never fails or comes to an end. If we keep account of all our shortcomings and failures we become oppressed. Jesus came to lift burdens, but we must believe he is greater than our mistakes.

Joyce Meyer

5. Progress is made one step at a time.- Anything that grows and changes does so progressively. When a seed is planted in the ground it does not immediately sprout and produce fruit. The farmer must be patient and so must we. As we are diligent to study his word, he changes us into his image, little by little. We inherit the promises of God through faith and patience. Being impatient only tends to make us miserable. It doesn’t make God hurry. His timing is perfect and the best thing we can do is to make a decision to enjoy the journey every step of your progress, or you will waste a lot of your life being frustrated about something you can not change.

Joyce Meyer

6.Keep Strife out of Your Life – When we talk about strife, we’re talking about all the bickering, arguing, heated disagreement, and angry undercurrents. We can experience strife with family, friends, co-workers, and the day to day tasks of life.The bible teaches us the servant of the lord must not get caught up in strife (see Timothy 2:23-24). To keep conflict and discord out of our lives, we must be willing to avoid conversations that lead to distress and turmoil. I can tell when Dave and I are having a conversation that is becoming a bit heated. On the occasions, I often choose to just drop it because our human desire to be right often leads us to a great deal of strife In order to keep dissension and disputes out of your lfe entertain the idea there is a possibilty you could be wrong. We cause all kinds of problems trying to prove that we are right, and what good does it really do? It satisfies the flesh, but God has called us to peace.

Joyce Meyer

7. Be a God Pleaser- Galatians 1:10 -Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

In the verse above, the apostle Paul says if he were trying to be popular with people, he would not have become an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. The pressure to please people will build a wall keeping us from pleasing God and fulfilling our God- ordained destiny. It’s normal to want acceptance. Most of experience rejection early on in our lives from some source. From parents, siblings, teachers, or peers- it always hurts and the painful memory causes us to do almost anything to avoid it in the future.

The fear of rejection causes us to react emotionally instead of wisely. Wisdom always does now what it will be satisfied with later. But emotions does what feels good now. They push us to do whatever it takes to avoid pain and discomfort. For years I let people control me. But eventually I discovered they really did not care about me. They weere using me to make them happy.

When I received the call from God to go into ministry all the people I thought were my friends rejected me without hestiation. I was no longer doing what they approved of So I was no longer neccessarry in their lives. I was deeply hurt and felt so aloine but I’m grateful God gave me the grace to choose him ovrer them. I shudder to think I might still be living a phony life of pretense, trying to win over the favor of people who really did not genuinely care about me. People who are really your friends will help you to be all that god has called you to be.

Joyce Meyer

8. Establish Boundaries- Acts 17:26
And He hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, their allotted periods of time and fixed boundaries of their habitation their settlements, lands, and bodes.

We see from the scripture above that God sets boundaries and we should set them also. When you have no boundaries in our life you have no protection. Boundaries are like fences. They keep people and things out of our lives that are undesirable. They make things definite rather than vague. Many people are afraid to set boundaries because they think they will anger or offend someone. We must remember we are called by God to follow him and walk in wisdom. We are not called or required to let other people dictate to us what we must do to keep them happy.

Joyce Meyer

9. Regulary Revaluate Committments- Jesus says he wants to give us rest. He invites us to come and perhaps he wants to give us an opportunity to reevaluate our committments. He wants us to find what isn’t necessary and get rid of it. Anytime we feel like life has lost the simple flow it should have, and instead becomes burdonsome and heavy, we should take those weights to Jesus. Life was not meant to make us feel dragged down and weary. We are God’s children with a blood -bought right to peace and joy! Things in life are always changing and shifting. In order to grow we must change also, and our committments must change to match the changes happening in our lives.

Joyce Meyer

10. Don’t be Judgmental- When we judge someone we pass sentence upon them and only God has a right to do that. It is very easy to glance at someone or a situation and judge very quickly without knowing anything at all. God not only sees what a person is doing he see’s why they are doing it. We judge according to the flesh. God see’s the heart .

11.Don’t let work pile up- Do you feel overwhelmed when you look around and seriously consider at how much work you have to do? A good way to simplify your life is to never let work pile up. When you’re facing a project you don’t want to do it’s easy to decide to do it later, or wait till tomorrow. But you have to exercise willpower to stay with a task and not waste your time finding excuses to not finish your work. Living a simple life requires self- control. You must decide what needs to be done and systematically do it. No excuses. It may be tough at first especially if you haven’t been disciplined in the past, but the rewards of order and restraint are worth it.

Joyce Meyer

12. Take control of your thoughts- Where the mind goes the man follows! If you want your life to change your thoughts must change also. The bible says in order to experience the good plan God has for us we must completely renew our minds. We must learn to think like God thinks. The truth is, it is not our circumstances making us so unhappy, it is the way we look at them. Life is probably not going to change, so we must change our approach to it.

Joyce Meyer

13. Don’t be afraid of what people think- Being excessively concerned about what other people think is an open door to torment. Of course we all love being well thought of, it is not possible to be liked by everybody all the time. Someone is going to think something negative about you and there’s nothing you can do about it. The bible says we should cast all our cares on him for he cares for us . That includes the care of what other people think.

Joyce Meyer

14.Don’t try to take care of everybody- Are you a caretaker? Some people actually get their worth and value out of taking care of everyone else. A lot of them ultimately become martyrs. They take care of everyone and constantly complain about having to do it. The interesting thing about these types of people is you can not stop them from doing what they like to do They don’t want help or an answer they want to complain. Some people feel they are in a trap you can’t they out of. If this is you I suggest you locate your true responsibility and give up the rest. Of course they’ll be people who won’t understand. They’ll get angry with you but atleast you may get a life and save your sanity.

Joyce Meyer

15.Tackle each day as it comes-“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”—Matthew 6:34, New International Version. In other words ” One day at a time”. A little daily discipline keeps us in a place handle life peaceably.

Joyce Meyer

Decide what things need to be done first today. What needs to be done next? Place things in order of importance and do one thing at a time.


16. Be satisfied with what you have- The affluence of our western culture has created an epidemic of coveting what everyone else has. People crave more and more yet they don’t enjoy what they already have. A simple person is a satisfied person they don’t crave more of anything but they do thouroghly enjoy what they have. They trust that more will come in due time. We should develop a habit of asking God for what we want and believe that he will give it to us if , and when the time is right. This simple approach o life sets us free to enjoy life.

Joyce Meyer

17.Learn how to say no- People don’t like the word “no”, do they? They’ll grin from ear to ear when you say yes to something but you won’t get many smiles when you say no. It didn’t take me long to discover that saying yes when I really wanted to say no was stealing my life from me. I resented the very people I was trying to keep happy and I learned in the long run they were not truly my friends. People who are only willing to be happy with you when they can control you are using you. Make a decision to please God above everything else Godly confrontation and refusing to be controlled by people is jealthy for all involved and eventually builds great relationships that are fair to both parties.

Joyce Meyer

18. Get your mind off yourself- God never intended us to look only inward. Only trying to take care of ourselves. He wants us to reach out to others and trust him to take care of us. Everything in our carnal or human nature is for self preservation but thank God when anyone receives Christ as their Lord and savior they receive a new nature. Thast new nature gives us the ability to be self less. We must learn a new way of living once we are “in Christ”. Worrying about yourself and always trying to make sure you are taken care of is complicated, but trusting that God will care for you as you care for others is simple.

Joyce Meyer

19. Don’t get discouraged with yourself – When get discouraged with ourselves we must rememember everyone goes through the same types of things. These things are often designed to test and check our character and faith. Will we give up or will we get up and try again? The Bible says the righteous man falls seven times and rises again. Even righteous men fall. None of us manifest perfection while we are in fleshly bodies. When God gives us instructions he often only shows us one step to take. It’s natural for us to want the whole blue print but that’s not how God works. If we take that one step we’ll be given another and another until we reach our destination.Many people refuse to take a step until they feel they have their entire future figured out. these are the people that usualyy ends up as failures in life. Even those willing to take these important steps one step at a time will make mstakes along the way and have to try again. If we trust God we must trust him along the way. it’s not about the destination so much as it is the journey.

Joyce Meyer

20. Be a Prisoner of hope- The Bible mentions Prisoners of hope (See Zachariah 9:12). What is that? I believe it’s someone who absolutely refuses to stop hoping no matter how desperate his circumstances are. Hope defered makes the heart sick and it causes depression , despair, discouragement. When you have hope you intentionally becomes positive in your thoughts and attitude.Prisoners of hope are swept up and locked into hope. They just can’t get away from it. They must hope in God and believe that something good is going to happen. A positive attitude makes life simpler. It relieves pressure and puts a smile on your face.

Joyce Meyer

21. Stay spiritually strong- Don’t wait until you are in the middle of a terrible ordeal and then try to get strong in the spirit. It doesn’t work that way. You must build up your reserves over time by spending the necessary time with God regularly, praying and studying his word. I have discovered if I stay spiritually strong , many things no longer bother me, and in some cases these were things that upset me for days at a time. They were able to upset me because I wasn’t strong enough in God to resist them properly or to even look at them in a right way. Our mindset towards life challenges has a lot to do with how we handle them and how they affect us emotionally. A man in the bible Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers, but he said what the enemy meant for harm God intended it for his good.. he had a right attitude because he had a great relationship with God. He stayed spiritually strong at all times and experienced one victory after another.

Joyce Meyer

We here at SCW stay spiritually strong because we are constantly feeding ourselves the word of God. Also all your circumstances don’t need to line up for you to have the victory, with God on your side you can still succeed.


22. Trust God to change you- Do you ever struggle with yourself? Do you see things about yourself you know you need to change and desperately try to change them? I did that for many years and they were some of the most complicated and frustrating years of my life. Through God’s grace I finally saw how it was a waste of time for me to try to fix something only God could do something about. Paul wrote that God has begun a good work in us and he will complete it and bring it to its finish. Frustration = works of the flesh. We honor God when we depend on him in all things.

Joyce Meyer

23. Trust God to change other people- One of the biggest mistakes we make in relationships is trying to make other other be what we want them to be. Only God can change people and even he cannot change them if they aren’t willing to change. Instead of “working on” people we should pray for them that they would be open to change and allow God to work in their lives. When we pray for others to change we should do so with a lot of humility still keeping in mind we have faults of own. I can remember when Dave and I ( her husband Dave Meyer), stood in a room and shook hands, making a commitment to accept and love each other “as is”, faults and all. We had both been so busy trying to change the other but the result was that neither of us enjoyed being together. From that day forward things got better. We have to renew our commitment quite often. because it is to fall off the wagon and start trying to control again.

Joyce Meyer

Psalm 34:8 O taste and see that the Land our God is good. Blessed , happy and fortunate and to be envied is the man who trusts and take refuge in him.

Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love and the future to God’s providence. – St. Augustine

24.Beware of Distractions- We often look at the devil as the author of our destruction, but he is actually more the author of our distraction. If he can distract us from our God Given purpose, he can cause us to bear no good fruit in our lives. God is glorified when we bear good fruit so, obviously the devil wants to do anything he can to prevent that. It is easy to get distracted in life. We need to really discipline ourselves in order not be distracted. Each person has many demands and expectations placed on them. It seems that every person in our lives is expecting something different and we find it confusing when to say no and when to say yes. Our spouses, friends, parents, children, other relatives, employers, government, churches, It can be overwhelming and tiring. While we try to meet all of these expectations we frequently find that they distract us from the main goal, which is following the will of God.

Joyce Meyer

By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailing arrive at his chosen destination or goal. – Christopher Columbus

Mark 4:19 Then the cares and anxieties of this world and the distractions of the age, and pleasure and delight and false glamour and deceitfulness of riches, and the craving and passionate desire for other things creep in and choke and suffocate the word and it becomes fruitless.

25. Be Wise- The bible says wisdom is pleasure and relaxation to a man of understanding (see Proverbs 10:23) Wisdom is choosing to do now what you will be happy with later on. For example wisdom does not spend all of it’s money now, but it saves some for the future., knowing it is wise to do so. Wisdom doesn’t put off today’s work until tomorrow because it knows it will then have two days of work to do in one. Wisdom is not a procrastinator it takes action. If you want to simplify your life you must think about the future and realize the choices you make today will affect tomorrow. Some people are never able to truly relax and enjoy life because every day they deal with messes resulting from not walking in wisdom. It is foolish to do things we know we should not do when we do them. How can anyone expect to get a right result if they already know they are making a wrong decision? They are gambling on things turning out right anyway, but wisdom does not gamble , it invest. Simplifying your life requires that you really think about your decisions before you make them. Proverbs 8:33 Hear instructions and be wise and do not refuse or neglect it.

Joyce Meyer

Verse of the Day:

To all of SCW’s followers and viewer’s leave the old you in the old year. Be a new you in 2022, a better you. Don’t waste a new year with an old mentality. What good is a new year if you are not new? Thank you for your continued support of this ministry. May God keep watch over you. I pray for your well- being and continual spiritual growth. Have blessed , happy, healthy, New Year and Stay Safe.

Radiate God’s goodness and Light

Light comes from within. Let your light shine!The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:4-5 NIV). This is a wonderful reminder that the darkness is not winning. The key to a healthy mindset is a grateful heart and focusing on God’s goodness. There are two things that God requires from us, Faith and to be grateful for all he has done.

Life Can be hard and it is easy to think about what’s wrong in your life. Such as, loss of a job, a sickness, family issues, divorce, etc.. When you find yourself feeling heavy or your spirit is weighed down because of worry. Stop, pause, and think about what you are thinking about. Positive thoughts produce positive outcomes. I was thinking that one active way to maintain our gratefulness toward God is to constantly remind ourselves of what we’re grateful for. A grateful Journal.

Join me in journaling your gratefulness this month in an effort to making it a lifestyle. Get a book that is exclusively used for this purpose. Don’t just jot a few things down and lay it to the side. Instead take it with you keep it with you when your out. Thoughts come to us all day long . Those thoughts are either waying you down or uplifting you. Uplift your spirit with a grateful Jounal. In fact I’m going to start today. I’ll be going to the store later and I’m going to get a book just for this purpose. I’m determined to keep a grateful heart, concentrate on God’s goodness and keep your spirit elevated.

Notice the difference in your attitude, thoughts, and feelings of gratefulness in just 30 days of practicing this. The more grateful you are the more God bless you. Think about it, just like kids we more apt to do more for them if they are grateful for what we’ve already done. No one likes an ungrateful person and everyone wants to be appreciated , yes even God. Even if you don’t appreciate him he’s still God! This little nugget of wisdom is to teach us about ourselves.

golden harvest in sunset
This is the image description

Verse of the day:

Smart tip of day : Reminding you to practice self- care. Itis especially important for women who are the care givers in the family. At the end of a long stressful day with kids, errands, housework, you feel drained like you don’t have anything left to give. Praticing self care helps to avoid burn out.

Manage stress.
 Make attempts to manage and reduce stress in your life. Sources of stress might include having a lot to do with work, school, or taking care of someone else. Identify what you have control over, which is usually just your reaction to the stress. Practicing relaxation techniques will increase energy, motivation, and productivity. Some simple techniques to reduce stress include: 

  • Taking 5-30 minutes every morning for morning prayers and or meditation.
  • Using imagery by finding a quiet spot, closing your eyes, and using all of your senses to imagine a deeply relaxing and peaceful scene. Imagine a space that’s meaningful and calming for you.
  • Trying progressive muscle relaxation, where you alternatively tense and relax the muscles throughout your body.
  • Practicing deep breathing.
  • Trying tai-chi or yoga.

Make time for fun.
 It’s important to make time for fun and leisure, especially when you’re stressed. Remember to engage in a variety of things for fun and involve other people. Try one of these ideas:

Make time for fun.
 It’s important to make time for fun and leisure, especially when you’re stressed. Remember to engage in a variety of things for fun and involve other people. Try one of these ideas:

  • Have a date night once a week with your spouse or with your friends.
  • Have a date night once a week with your spouse or with your friends.
  • Re-read a favorite book.
  • Watch a favorite movie.
  • Find a hobby to enjoy.
  • Listen to peaceful music.
  • Buy an adult coloring book.

Surround yourself with supportive people. Spend time with friends, family, and others who make you feel good about yourself. Choose people who respect your needs and boundaries. Make sure the people you spend time with are considerate, reliable, and supportive of your goals. Avoid people who drain you, belittle you, or stress you out. Who needs dead weight? Life is for the living!

Give yourself affirmations Encourage and validate yourself by saying something affirming to yourself. Pick a phrase or saying that’s positive, personal, powerful, and precise. Some examples you can try: Post them where you can see them everyday.

  • “I can do this.”
  • “I believe in myself.”
  • “I love and accept myself.”
  • “I am doing my best.”
  • “This too shall pass.”

Exercise regularly. Moving around does so many great things for you and can be done in the comfort of your own home! Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, even if it’s just in 10-minute intervals. It’s okay if you can’t exercise every single day, just aim for most days of the week. Choose activities that are fun and interesting for you. Try to do a variety of different activities to keep things interesting.

You canEat healthy foods. Eating healthy foods will help keep you energized and your body healthy. When you’re busy working or taking care of others, it can be difficult to plan and cook a healthy meal for yourself. Eventually though, the easy foods you tend to grab are going to drain you and leave you feeling unhealthy. Some ways to modify your diet a little to better take care of yourself:

  • Eat whole grains.
  • Eat more dark green vegetables.
  • Eat a variety of fresh or frozen fruit.
  • Choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products.
  • Try a variety of lean proteins.
  • Eat regular meals and snacks.

Always Give God the Praise! Remembering to thank him for what he has already done! I love hearing from you leave a comment and let me how God is blessing your life.

New Blessings for the New year Ahead

Welcome 2021! Praise God we live to fight another day. My wish for you is that the new year brings you all you’ve hoped for. Pray your way through it and put action behind it. Keep God first. Acts 21:27 Through many dangers , toils and snares. I’ have already come, tis grace that has brought me safe this far and tis grace that will lead me home!

A New year, a fresh start and time of reflection.Self-reflection is so powerful because it leads to self-awareness. It challenges you to look inward, assess what you do and why, and think about ways to continue to grow as an individual.

  • Take an inventory of your personal and professional life

1. What do I want to start?

2. What do I want to stop?

3. What do I want to continue?

  • Take a personal values inventory
  • Take inventory of your spiritual growth

What goals would I like to accomplish this year? Give yourself a timeline.

Defining your answers to each of these questions will help you see what amendments you need to make this year to achieve your goals. It’s mostly about self-reflection and shouldn’t be seen as a New Year’s resolution

Verse of the Day:

The Best is yet to come!!

Happy birthday to my grandfather Thomas, an American Solidier, son, father, brother, husband and grandfather. January 6th with love from your grandaughter. We love you and miss. May heaven smile upon you .

If you have a January birthday SCW wishes you the best. Tell us your birthday we’ll shout you out.

It’s that time of year again, when southern Californians that love the snow like we do head for the higher elevations of the mountains and enjoy rustic, modern, scenic beauty.

New Year’s Eve Celebration, with the hope of good things to come!

Sorry guys, with all the excitement of the holiday I’m late getting this post out. This long awaited New Year’s Eve holiday will be different. As we’ve all had to make adjustments and changes in our lifestyles do to the Pandemic. However, God is still good and we are grateful for his faithfulness. We look forward with hope for the coming year. We celebrate the birth of Christ which is the true gift of Christmas. He is our present. A present help in time of trouble and we give him honor, glory and praise. He has kept us through these difficult times and now it’s time to push forward together. Many Americans are spending the holidays at home and new years eve is no exception. The Biggest party night of the year. So just because your spending New Year’s at home doesn’t mean you can’t have fun or have an enjoyable evening. So whether you’re a family with kids, a couple, or small gathering of friends, there’s lots of fun to be had at home.

  • Decorate for 2021

Decorate for 2021! It wouldn’t be New year’s eve without glittery decorations and noisemakers. Take pictures in front of 2021 numbers to commemorate the year.

Make a New Year’s brunch

strawberry cheesecake flapjacks

New year’s Day Brunch is delicious and with you as the chef you can make whatever you like. Pancakes or french toast with powdered sugar and strawberries are always a big hit for brunch.

  • Get dressed up

Just because your staying home doesn’t mean you have to wear pajamas. Besides dressing up makes us feel good.

  • Make a festive dinner

A simple oven roasted budget friendly Chicken is a great option with a fresh salad, sides and dessert.

Join the Times Square New year’s Celebration via television.

times square new year's eve 2017   philips ball test
  • Champagne toast at midnight. There is non alcoholic champagne if you prefer.
  • Make an amazing meal together
  • Observing social distancing, find a spot to watch the fireworks together in your area
  • Champagne toast
  • Make decadent desserts custard apple tarts
  • Make a list of things you accomplished this past year and hang it in your room.
  •  Make a big bowl of popcorn and finish it all by yourself, while watching your favourite movie.
  • Skype with your family and friends across the miles
  • Make a short video of good memories you had with your friends and watch it together.  A sweet trip down the memory lane. 
  • If you don’t already have one, make a spiritual journal. Write down the ways in which God has made a way for you this year. List your blessings. List the areas in your life God has helped you to make progress in. List the areas in your life that you need to be more effective. Write down your prayers for yourself and your loved ones.

Below are the latest 2020 New Year’s Eve safety guidelines issued by the ( CDC Center For Disease Control)

Covid 19 risks for New Year’s Eve

With the arrival of a few approved vaccines, many are feeling hopeful about getting back to a sense of normalcy. But we’re not there yet. We want to protect ourselves and those around us. Why you should really stay home with your family this year.

  • Shared air supply: Joining any kind of group or crowd in a small interior room is inherently risky, but even a small crowd in a larger event space can elevate your risk compared to outside areas. Wearing masks can work against the likelihood that infectious airborne particles end up spreading to people inside. But spending hours on end in small spaces with limited airflow (even with masks in play!) isn’t safe by any means.
  • High touch surfaces: All of the surfaces in your home can harbor infectious virus throughout the evening — think doorknobs, handles, serving utensils, and even soft surfaces on chairs and the like. You’d have to frequently disinfect these surfaces throughout the night to ensure that there isn’t any risk to guests, and most people don’t do that.
  • Dancing and singing: It’s likely that most New Year’s Eve hosts won’t have all of the invited guests seated quietly 6 feet apart from each other. Rather, New Year’s Eve often includes dancing and singing, which can increase the likelihood that COVID-19 can pass through shared airspace.
  • Party favors, food, and drinks: Scientists have maintained that food itself hasn’t been causing COVID-19 outbreaks during the pandemic, nor is it a concern on its own. But having people congregate around a shared holiday buffet of appetizers, cocktails, and trinkets like kazoos or confetti crackers can increase the likelihood that the virus is passed from hand-to-hand. Inoculation, or rubbing your face, eyes, nose, or mouth with a dirty hand, is still a considerable concern for COVID-19 spread in communities, Dr. Gohil says. While providing guests with hand sanitizers or handwashing stations can help lower that risk, hand hygiene may fall by the wayside throughout the night for some.
  • Loud music: Yes, really! It boils down to having guests shouting rather than speaking to one another. “This is a time when we project; the more noise we have indoors, the more you are going to want to project your voice,” Dr. Gohill explains. “The louder things get, the more we all want to talk forcefully, and so we start spewing whatever is in our airways, which is problematic.”

You have a friend in California

Happy New Year to all! Especially to our followers and viewers. We so appreciate you. Our prayer for you is that you have a new year full of God’s goodness. SCW followers Rock! Have a blessed Holiday everyone. Be safe. We will be staying in this year. I’m looking forward to a cozy evening at home full of good food and laughter. This will be New York’s first virtual new year’s eve without the millions that line the streets for the festivities. But it is tradition and we’ll still be watching all the performances of the biggest names in music new year’s eve. If you’re able to see the fireworks in your area it’s a good idea to get out and enjoy them, observing social distancing of course. My husband and I love to go, but with Cali on severe lockdown we’re hoping they will still observe the tradition. But either way God’s been too good to be sad. I’m sure we’re all looking forward to the new year with hope.

A Season of Hope

The Season of hope brings with it great tidings and joy! Through the trials and tribulations of this year, ask yourself what have you learned in this year? Hopefully after going through hell, we will have learned something. What lessons or pearls of wisdom can we pull from this year? For example think this year has reiterated that health is wealth, everything is shakable except God, we can’t put our trust in our possessions, people or our positions. Our hope must be in God and in him alone.

Your whole life can change in an instant, family is important. Family isn’t always blood relation, they are the people who genuinely care for us. That’s the reason good friends get called family. As we move through the different challenges of life, we learn, we grow, we keep moving forward. Don’t miss SCW’s ultimate Christmas planning guide on December 1st. Topics will include entertaining, decorations, and of course delicious traditional holiday meals and tasty festive holiday desserts and drinks. And Don’t miss SCW’s December 26, issue for New Year’s Eve. This is my favorite season\ holiday, and favorite time of year. I’m loving the change of weather here in California.

Another thing I love about this time of year is all the pageantry entertainment shows. Starting with the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade an American staple that kicks off the holiday season! In light of covid I thought to myself, it’s a bummer we’re probably not going to have the parade. But then I went online to see what was happening on the East Coast in New York and low and behold they were still having it! I was so glad. They said they felt they needed it to lift people’s spirits and as a comforting sense of normalcy. I love that East coast spirit that says we must persevere no matter what! (I’m from the East coast by the way)

Now of course it was different. They didn’t have millions of people lining the streets for safety reasons. But they still had all the favorite balloons, and floats, great music and musical numbers. I enjoyed it. My husband and I watched, it’s a family show, kids love it as well. I’m looking forward to the lighting of the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center next week that’s always a fun show. I’m the type of person I’m usually always in good spirits. It comes from the inside not what’s happening outside of me. I’m human and I get disappointed like everyone else at times but I look to God who is the source of our joy. It’s not always easy but we have to seek God and keep on keeping on!

I hope you will do in this season like Paul. “This one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and pressing forward to those things which are ahead!” The best is yet to come in all our lives. I truly believe that. You know what’s good about about a setback? It’s the comeback! I pray we all emerge from this year, better and stronger! If you are new to SCW welcome! We love having you! To all our followers and long time viewers we love you, you rock! May God’s blessings rest upon your family.

Black Friday and Covid -19. With covid restrictions still in place for most states. More and more Americans will do their black Friday shopping online, opting not to put themselves at risk. This means big sales for the online retailers and ending the traditional Thanksgiving night shopping as popular brands stores will be closed on Thanksgiving night. SCW has your list of closings.



Best Buy


Others stores that will be closed on Thanksgiving night, (that were also closed last year) include: Home Depot, Lowe’s, Sam’s Club, Costco, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Nordstrom. Stores cannot risk large crowds with the pandemic still spreading. That means they have no choice but to end the mad rush to stores Thanksgiving evening. If you are going out on Friday be prepared to wait in line. Most stores are limited to just 25% to 50% capacity now, which will likely mean lines outside their doors when they open on Friday morning after Thanksgiving. Wear masks and be safe everyone.

Verse of the day:

Thanksgiving Day Celebration of God’s Blessings

Let us give thanks for all the Lord has given us and celebrate the goodness of him and the BLESSINGS he has given to us. Wishing your family a warm blessed holiday full of Joy, laughter, and love. It’s been a challenging year for everyone in some form or another. We have to focus on the good that’s in our life. That is how we remain grateful.

Make a list if you have to for everything your grateful for. Such as good health, in the midst of a pandemic. I think we’ve all been taught a lesson this year on how valuable good health is. You don’t notice good health until you’ve been sick. And other valuables like shelter, employment, love, family, true friends, and best of all the blessings of the lord. Do not forget those less fortunate than yourself, pray for them.

If you are new to SCW just type in Thanksgiving and you’ll find step by step instructions on how to prepare your favorite thanksgiving dishes including turkey and desert. It always astonishes me how many countries SCW is viewed by. For you we are truly thankful. My husband and I want to thank all our followers and viewers around the world. We wish you a blessed Holiday Season. Looking ahead to the new year with hope we know that the best is yet to come!

Philippians 4:8, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.”

Click the picture above for our Thanksgiving Planning Guide

Let’s us celebrate with grateful hearts. Being content with such things as we have. We love hearing from you. Post a comment. Let us know how your doing. What your plans are for the holidays, if you’d like us to pray for you, or just to say hello.

Verse of the Day:

Prayer for Change

We know it’s time for a change. Give us the strength and courage to keep going. We know that when one door closes another door opens, for you are faithful. Thank you for holding on to us through the different seasons of life. Let the Winds of fresh change blow.

A Season of Gratitude and New Hope

Time flys! It’s been a difficult year and yet God has sustained us. He is worthy to be praised. If there’s one thing these times in which we are living has taught me it is that scripture says “Be happy with such things as ye have.” Do indeed be content with what you have. People of a mature age have been through enough trials and tribulations to know that your hope and your trust must be in God alone. Situations will fail you, people will fail you, but God is everlasting and he does not fail. Philippians 4:12-13, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” The season of gratitude is upon us. Be thankful.

True Joy and contentment comes from the Lord

Verse of the day:

Labor Day Celebration, Hope for better days ahead!

This Labor Day may the Lord’s Presence refresh, renew, and restore you.  As we celebrate America’s spirit of handwork and ingenuity. I pray all is well with you and your families. If it’s not your not alone, it’s been a difficult year around the world for everyone. Just know that better days are ahead! SCW sends it prayers out to all the hurting people around the world.  As difficult as things have been imagine coming home and your home is burned to the ground! That’s what happening here in California. California has been in a heatwave over 100 degree temperatures everyday and are experiencing wildfires ravaging through the state burning thousands of acres of land.  People have lost their homes and livelihoods, and in some cases their will to live. As sad as the events of the past year are we have no choice but to carry on one day at at a time.  Whatever circumstances are in your life today you can have hope. Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large. As a verb, its definitions include: “expect with confidence” and “to cherish a desire with anticipation.”

Labor day hot air Balloon lift off California

Happy Labor Day to all our followers and viewers around the world you rock!  The latest news on Labor Day travel this year due to the coronavirus pandemic is that Americans will take a cautious approach to travel as they should. The Auto Club AAA predicts 97 percent of travel will have been by car the summer of 2020, with air travel off by about 74 percent and rail, cruise ship and bus travel down by 86 percent. Americans will get out and explore this summer. Tired of being cooped up, travelers will take advantage gas prices. The average price for gasoline in New York was $2.28 Thursday, compared to $2.79 a year ago.  With travel restrictions lifting but social distancing still recommended, gas prices remain an added benefit. What are your plans for this Labor Day?  Leave us a comment and tell us about your trip, we’d love to hear it.  What will we be doing?  As we normally do not travel during heavily trafficked major holidays we will continue to stay home and stay safe and off the roads. Though there is much to celebrate, my husband’s birthday is Labor Day.  I’ve just completed my second degree finally and are ready to go back to work on a full time schedule YAY!  Here at home, it’s family time, so lots of good food and fun at the SCW household.  I’ve always thought it’s not so much what you are doing but rather who you are doing it with that makes time spent special.  Whatever your plans this holiday be sure to have a grateful and thankful heart and focus on the good things in your life.

What are you thankful for this Labor Day?  Making a list of our blessings keeps our minds on them thus making us less likely to complain about what we don’t have.  Here are a few of the blessings I’m grateful for.

  • God’s hand over my life
  • Family
  • Good Health
  • Supportive friends
  • Shelter & nourishment
  • To be able to work and make progress
  • Future blessings

Here’s what’s happening on the Coast of Southern California

With Labor Day nearing and Gov. Gavin Newsom easing pandemic restrictions in some counties, Californians face a  mix of openings and closures in coming days.  Still coping with fires in many areas and coronavirus just about everywhere, local and state authorities are limiting access to many indoor and outdoor recreation options. Still, most parks, beaches and trails are open, and enterprises including the L.A. Zoo, which opens today, SeaWorld San Diego and Mammoth Mountain have found ways to at least partially reopen or extend their summer seasons.  At L.A. County beaches, you can bring umbrellas and coolers and spend a day hanging out at the beach.  Face coverings are required when you are not in the water and when you are around other people.  Gatherings, volleyball and other group sports are still banned.

Around Los Angeles County

• Golf courses are open (no more than four players per tee time).

• The county trails network is open, with at least 6 feet of distance required; gatherings banned; and face coverings required in parking lots, at trailheads “and on any trails where there are other groups of people nearby.”

• County tennis and pickleball courts are open (singles play only).

• Equestrian centers are open (with various restrictions) and BMX bike areas are open (no rentals).

• Archery and shooting ranges, model airplane areas, community gardens, county campgrounds, RV areas, lake swim beaches and day camps are all open, with restrictions.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor this Holiday.  You’ve earned it.  Rest is very satisfying. Rest your mind and emotions from issues in the peace of the good Lord. To God be the glory.

Verse of the day:








His grace is Sufficient

Verse of the day:

Be Strong in the Lord

Verse of the day:


Let Your Light Shine

Verse of the day:

Contentment in Difficult Times

“Hold Fast to what is good” 1 Thessalonians 5:21. Let the blessings of God take center stage in your mind. In the midst of difficult times you can find something to grateful for. The so called little things like health of yourself and family, shelter, and love. If all hell is breaking loose in your life right now, hold on, a blessing is on the way. As mature Christians we know that God is with us in the battle! But the battle is not ours it belongs to the lord.  As our world slowly returns to a new normal we are struggling to adjust and adapt to the times in which we find ourselves.

Personally having freedoms taken away has just made me want to embrace life more fully as soon as we are able. It has made me more grateful to God more thankful, and more prayerful. Everything in your life may not be as you’d like at this moment but you certainly find something to be grateful for. Another thing that helps to take our minds off of ourselves is to reach out to someone that you can help. You may think, “I can barley help myself right now”, while that may be true, there is someone worse off than you that your help would be a blessing to.  I want to encourage you in this season that joy is coming in the morning.  The joy will come back to your life!

Isaiah 41:13 For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”

Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:11 “be content” no matter what our circumstances are. Paul said, I have learned in whatsoever state I am in therewith to be content. The Amplified Bible describes being content as satisfied to the point where you are not disturbed or disquieted.

2 Corinthians 5:7  I will walk by faith even when I can not see

In the Wake of Cov-19 Many Americans have opted to forgo a vacation this summer. The biggest reason they simply can’t afford it. Sometimes you have to take a step back in order to move forward. Although the word vacation  has taken on a different meaning this year. Most people just want to get out and enjoy the weather, it may mean taking a vacation from home. The home has become the office and retreat now.  While it is a blessing for many to be able to structure their lives and work from home. The isolation can start to have negative effects on the mind and body as we are social creatures.

Most who want to respect social distancing laws while having a little fun has proven to be difficult at times.  Beaches here in Southern California reopened Memorial day weekend to Californians delight. Some states are beginning to reopen businesses. There is talk of lifting the ban by 4th of July.

Of course everything at this point is kind of a wait and see situation with plans subject to change at anytime but I’m hopeful that we’ll be able to salvage some of the summer for the sake of our sanity. However on a lighter note most people are bursting at the seams to get out and enjoy life again!  And who can blame them.  Even if your unable to take the vacation you’d like to have you can do a mini staycation that will allow you to get out with as less expense to your budget as possible. In light of the circumstances of this year you may want to readjust your thinking  for vacation.  Instead of wall to wall crowding situations.  Think less populated, safe, remote locations and getaways.

Family getaway to the mountains and hiking trails.

Camping under the stars


Remote lakes and waterfalls

Remote Beaches


To all  our followers and viewers, we pray for you. May God Bless your households and families as we continue to move forward during this difficult time thank you for reading SCW.

Verse of the Day:

In memory of George Floyd. Rest in Peace.  To be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord. Prayers go out to the family of George Floyd may God grant you peace and Justice!   Romans 12:17-19 the apostle Paul tells us, “I will repay,’ says the Lord.” (MEV) This passage comforts us with the truth that God will be the one exacting vengeance for all the wrongs we have received.