Tag Archive | Dating

Memorial Day & Summer Holiday Travel Ban

Happy Memorial Day to all veterans! May God bless you, and the family members of those in service and to family members who have lost a loved one in service.  When our thoughts turn to summer we think of travel, fun, and getaways!  However summer travel will be different this year amidst this worldwide pandemic.

With the entire country on mandatory lock down order for more than 60 days people are understandably anxious to get back to normal life as well as anxious to move the economy forward.  My husband has been working from home and we’ve started taking short walks in the evenings, (while wearing our masks of course), for exercise as well as to stay sane, because we really have not been out much at all since the order except for essentials errands, like grocery store, doctor’s appointments etc…. So we’ve really been just as cooped up as everyone else.

However we are extremely grateful to have our health and all our blessings at this time. We always are, but right even more so.  So essentially we’re counting our blessings! As businesses slowly start to reopen with cautionary measures in place. There is hope that our collective lives will return to normal at some point soon.

However until that time comes we need to be smart and protect ourselves and families by continuing to take protective measures such as masks and being extra vigilant when in public using hand sanitizers, washing our hands, wiping down surfaces. The risks are too great to ignore safety!  So please be safe out there!

Don’t make a fatal decision over a temporary circumstance! Because this too shall pass! With all the hardships that families are facing right now it may not seem like it, But we will get through this!  I’m here to encourage you today. Circumstances don’t come to stay, they come to pass. The only thing final is death!  There’s so much life left to live, if we do the smart thing today. SCW is praying for our viewers, followers, and all tragically affected  by this.

Let’s take stock.  Rather than dwell on the negative remind yourself of God’s blessings and mercies on you.

  • Good Health
  • Family
  • Employment
  • Shelter, safety
  • Nutrition and water


What can we expect when traveling this Summer?

  • Health experts are still advising Americans against non essential travel during the coronavirus outbreak, and travel has plummeted. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has reported record low numbers of travelers passing through checkpoints: in April it has seen around 100,000 a day, compared to more than 2 million daily in the same period last year. Amtrak ridership is down 95 percent.
  •  The State Department is no longer processing passports, including renewals, excepting “customers with a qualified life-or-death emergency and who need a passport for immediate international travel within 72 hours.”
  • Most major airlines are now requiring both passengers and crew members to wear masks during flights. JetBlue and Delta require face coverings for staff and customers from check-in before security until they’ve exited the plane. United, Southwest, Alaska and American are requiring passengers to wear masks only during flights. (American makes an exception for “very young passengers and those with conditions that prevent them from wearing a face covering.”  While most American national parks are mostly or partly closed, the National Park Service is beginning to open some areas gradually, with special precautions and restrictions to protect visitors, staff and local residents.

3 Travel tips during Pandemic

If you’re a couple or small family you may consider getting away by car to a remote location that isn’t heavily traveled.

Consider a road trip, just to get out, and feel a sense of normal with all the proper safety measures in check of course.  Check out the city or state on the CDC for lodging precautions.

Campers are great for isolation, quarantine, and mobility for couples or small families.

For singles if you must, travel alone. Make sure friends and family know where you are going and check in by phone or internet so that they know you’re safe.

Author’s note: We’re glad you are here. We’ve noticed a surge in visitors to SCW. That’s Awesome. So If you’re new to SCW checkout some more viewers favorites for your Summer reading pleasure. If you’re a returning visitor or follower, You Rock!  With over 900 post to date I’m sure you’ll find a post you’ve yet to read.

Click any link below.

The Art of a Gentlemen

The struggles of Christianity, Mind, Body, and Spirit

Fierce and Feminine

Divorced and Dating over forty

Called to be a light in a dark world

Memorial Day and the start of Summer

The 80/20 Rule?

Encouragement for Difficult Times

Men over 40 not married? datable, debatable, or undateable?

Feeding Your spirit

Gracefully Single

Are you dating a Gentleman?

Married Couples guide to the health benefits of sex

The secret sex lives of conservative Christian Women

The Beauty of Submission

Submission and Straight Talk for Christian Couples and Single women

Summer Date Night at Home



Verse of the day:


Souless Relationships

In order for there to be real love between two people, there has to be a spiritual connection. A physical relationship without the spiritual connection is like a body with no soul and as a result women are left feeling empty. A woman must first have a healthy respect for herself. Self respect is number one and valuing yourself enough to require that you you be treated with respect by a man. So how does a woman go about doing this?

4 Ways to communicate the self-respect you have for yourself
and that you require from a man

1. Self control Let the man pursue you. The woman that’s consistently calling, texting, all the time is his groupie and thus not interesting.

2. Be OK with being alone –  That doesn’t mean you give up on finding love. Make up your mind that I’d rather be alone than to be treated poorly or less than I deserve.  It takes the pressure off finding someone, you relax and let it happen naturally in God’s timing.  In the meantime work on being the best you can be and knowing that the right man will be lucky to have you.

3. Don’t appear desperate – Be willing to walk away if it’s not working for you, as opposed to holding on to a relationship that’s going nowhere or no where good or both.

4. Show him you value yourself by requiring he treat you with respect.  You show him that by not allowing yourself to be used like the others. As long as you’re leading with the physical you’ll not get beyond that place. Let Love In!

Verse of the day:

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Celebrating the Gift of Love on Valentine’s Day

God is Love!  We love because he first loved us. Celebrating the gift of love this Valentine’s Day.  If you are not in a relationship or married at this time, or even have a date for the big day, you can still be thankful for God’s love and that of family and friends.  How will you spend your Valentine’s Day this year?  Actually on big restaurant occasions like V- day I prefer a special evening at home. My husband’s a gentlemen who knows how to treat a lady, so that’s always a pleasure.  Actually we’re both romantics so I’m lucky in that respect.  Busy married couples use this time to reconnect, don’t forget to keep the main thing the main thing.  You don’t always have to be doing some big exciting thing all the time, many times keeping it simple can be more satisfying.  Such as time alone, a nice dinner, and the connection you feel spending time with someone special.  Having the right partner is half the battle.  Finding the right partner?  You know what they say, location is everything.  Love marriage and home ownership go hand in hand.  Find out the best U. S. cities for singles and married couples below.

The Language of Love

Verse of The Day:

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Knowing your value as a Woman

A woman of High value knows who she is, and who’s she is.  Her confidence and contentment flows from the fact that she is loved by God and held in the highest esteem.  Proverbs 31:10 Her price is far above rubies.” Pray that God will strengthen you with his word. Did you know that reading scripture actually strengthens you. When we are strengthened on the inside circumstances on the outside don’t bother you as much. Strengthen yourself and see yourself the way God sees you. As a precious treasure and giver of life and nothing that the man can acquire can compare to you. Proverbs 3:15 “Nothing you desire can compare to her.” The man can have everything! But if he doesn’t have you he has nothing!

Rule #1 – All men are not worthy of receiving you!  Those that are must prove it!  Keep God first.

Rule #2 –  A woman of high value never chases. The thrill of the chase belongs to the hunter.  Let him work for it.  Hard to get is actually exciting to men, because now he has something to work on. He has to put his creativity to work. How can I impress this woman and show her I’m interested.  Let the courting begin

Rule #3 –  She does not need a man to complete her. She is happy on her own. She comes equipped with intelligence, gifts, talents, and a good heart. She’d like to share her life with the right man but knows he must be deserving of her.

Rule #4 –  Your worth as a woman is not tied to sex! She values her temple, and shows a man that what is different about her, is the fact that you will respect me.

Rule #5 –  No matter how much you desire a man, if his values do not align with yours, do not become unequally yoked. Never abandon your standards. You never stoop to his level, no, a high value woman challenges a man to come up to higher ground.

Verse of the Day:

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Gracefully Single

God wants the best for You!  We are more connected at this point in time to the world at large than at any other point in history.  Seems like dating and finding a good Christian man would be easy right?  Not.  Instead it’s harder than ever to find someone decent and worth dating.  When you meet the man God has for you, you will know it.  It will be the man that values and respects you in every way.  You will know him because he will be vastly different from any other man you’ve met.  In your single season you are in complete control of your life and that’s powerful.  When you have a life partner you give up some of that control to share your life. The takeaway is to embrace the moment, be at peace knowing that the man God has for you will come into your life at the right time.  Live with expectancy, expecting  good  things to happen to you.

Flourish at your work.  A sense of accomplishment will make you feel good about yourself and give you something else to focus on.  It will also boost your confidence and radiate outward.  Men can tell when a woman is content and confident and this is when he wants to get your attention.

Be engaged in life, have as much fun as you can in your single season.  Family life is very rewarding, marriage and kids are serious business. It’s a stage in your life where you don’t go out as much or travel, hang out with your friends, as much at least not initially with newborns and toddlers.  But family is the priority and everything else is secondary so I say have all the fun you can as a single girl travel, expand your mind, who knows what like minded gentlemen you can meet along the way.

Be the most desirable you can be spiritually, mentally, physically.  Be a well rounded woman, who is well read and able to have interesting conversation.

Verse of the day:

January Happy Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to Me! Author of SCW

Grandfather Thomas Newman

Aunt Carmen Lashley

Cousin Chris,and Uncle Charles Newman







Reflecting on the Goodness of God in the New Year!

Count Your Blessings!  Health, family, faith, career and good friends triumph over difficulties. The good Lord is on your side!  And with God all things are possible!  There’s been a strong feeling in my spirit to focus on the POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!  We can all find something to complain about.  However as the body of Christ which is the church let’s commit together to focus on what’s good this year and give the rest to God in prayer!  I hope that your new year’s eve was a blessed one, you had fun, unwind from work and life stresses.  Hopefully you’ll be resting comfortably on this Holiday or doing whatever makes you happy.

New Year’s resolutions anyone?  Studies have shown that by the end of the first week of the new year, resolutions are out the window for most people. However if there are positive changes that you need to make for the betterment of your future commit to making those positive changes!  Our future is created by the choices we make today. Make better choices in 2020!  Remember that God is always moving Forward and so too should we.  He is always doing a new thing Isaiah 43:19. The power to change is in your hands!  If you’d like us to pray for you send a prayer request.

Verse of the day:

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Happy New Year ! Embracing the Newness of Life

It’s a blessing to be alive at this point in time in history! The year 2020 promises to be an amazing year.  If God has been good to you in spite of your troubles praise him right now!  It’s been an amazing year for my family, full of challenges and triumphs and God has brought us through.  I ‘m extremely humbled and grateful to God.  God never promised us that we won’t go through anything.  He promised he’d be with us when we go through it.  You’re on your way to your new normal.  Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen youI will help youI will uphold you with my righteous right.”  I like the New year’s holiday, who doesn’t love a brand new start?  You are a new creature in Christ!  Forgiven, loved, and under God’s protection.  2 Corinthians 5:17,  “old things are passed away; behold, all things are made new.”  New Living Translation

“Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.” Romans 6:6  Your old self is crucified with him .

What will you do differently this year?  What changes will you make for the better?  What will your new self do?  Your new self will make better choices this year!  Better Choices will produce a new outcome.  Keep pressing on sisters and brothers in Christ.  Don’t allow the enemy to corrupt the good that’s in you.

Philippians 3:12-14 King James Version (KJV)

12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.

13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are ahead,

14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Verse of the Day:

What will you do this new year’s eve?  Where will you go?  New York just unveiled the 20’s today that will adorn Times square New year’s eve.

  • Going out to see the fireworks display in your local area
  • Dinner with family or friends
  • Church
  • Concerts are a really popular choice for new year’s eve as a lot of artist tour during holidays


1. Plan accordingly.

If you’re going to a party or heading to a public event, make plans to arrive and leave with a group.  A lot can happen on New Year’s Eve, and you want to ensure you, your friends and family are safe. Be sure to share your plans for the night and communicate your whereabouts if plans change.

To this end, pack a charger for your phone — a portable battery one may be especially helpful if you can’t find an outlet.  Be aware of your surroundings; if you get separated from your group, you will want to know where you are, where you’re going and where you’re spending the night.

2. Mind your limits.

Alcohol is almost unavoidable on New Year’s Eve.  Even if you and your friends don’t partake, you’ll likely encounter intoxicated revelers over the course of your night.  Don’t drink too much too quickly.

3. Celebrate safely.

Champagne is a New Year’s Eve staple. But according to stats, champagne corks can reach speeds up to 50 miles per hour. (That’s enough to shatter glass.)  So don’t forget that corks should be popped away from guest or anything of value.

4.Never leave your drink unattended

While it’s important to have fun, keeping a level head and not getting injured or taken advantage of should be a primary consideration.

5 Avoid driving if possible.

Whether you’re a passenger or driver, the roads are particularly dangerous on New Year’s Eve. Help everyone stay safe by refusing to drink and drive, and don’t let anyone around you drive under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances.

To our followers and viewers 

Thank you for viewing Smart Christian Woman



Memorial Day Holiday and the start of Summer

Time to unwind! Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of Summer! Millions of hard-working Americans take vacation time during the summer months.  Did you know that rest is a mandate in the Bible?  Exodus 33:14 “My presence will go with you and I will give you rest.” God never intended for us to overwork and overwhelm ourselves.  He wants us to be productive.  However, the body must have rest.  I should take my own advice!  When I’m supposed to be resting, I’m thinking about all the things I need to do next instead of just living in the moment!

We shouldn’t let life just go rushing by without taking the time to enjoy our blessings and the people we love and those that love us!  Or simply just take time out for ourselves. So what are your plans for the summer?  Whether you’re looking for a family, couples, or singles getaway SCW has you covered with budget friendly affordable getaways for your fun in the sun!

  • Disney World Florida – experience the world of Disney along with Florida’s Epcot center in one magical adventure
  • Disneyland California – Who doesn’t want to visit the Happiest place on earth
  • Grand Canyon – Explore the beauty of this vast wonder
  • Grand Country Resort Water park Missouri -fun in the sun with water coasters and water rides and attractions
  • Texas Hill Country River region – your water tubing adventure awaits
  • Naples Ft Myers Florida – Swim and interact with the dolphins.

  • The Carribean – sun and sand await at affordable rates for “adults only” at cheapcarribean.com all inclusive packages including air and hotel stay.
  • Pebble Beach Resorts – Your romantic seaside escape awaits
  • Panama City Beach, Florida – Lower Grand Lagoon Vacation rentals for under $100 http://www.vrbo.com
  • Meritage Resort – Couples activities, classic Napa experiences, swimming, sports lounge, spa, elegant dining. Best internet rate guaranteed from$ 136.00/night meritagecollection.com/romance


  • Summer Singles Cruises.comhttp://www.singlescruise.com/summer-singles-cruises.php 7to10 night cruises all inclusive packages available sail the wide open seas and make a connection, romance is in the air!
  • Silversea luxury cruises – 25% off singles fare, destinations include US,Greece Puerto Rico, Brazil,
  • Turks and Caicos beaches.com – Meet that special new someone aboard the high seas with other singles hoping to make a connection.www.silversea.com
  • Turtle Inn Belize – A secluded hideaway on a  sandy beach, pristine coral reef and tons of outdoor activities you may not have time to get around to all this destination has to offer. http://www.turtleinn.com-belize.com
  • Sylvia Beach Hotel – in Oregon- overlooking Sylvia beach perched atop a cliff with gorgeous panoramic views. http://www.sylviabeachhotel.com

Verse of the day:

Honoring those who lost their lives defending the freedoms of this country, remember those who defended the freedoms we enjoy!

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Waiting for Sex ΙΙ & Welcome Spring

Welcome Spring!  If it has not yet warmed up where you are, be of good cheer, soon the cold days and cold nights will give way to warmer days and the newness of Life!  God is doing a new thing!  Now it shall spring forth!  So be hopeful and hold onto God’s unchanging hand!

Verse of the day:

Follow up to “The Benefits to Women saving sex for Marriage”

If you missed February’s previous post, “The benefits of waiting for sex until Marriage for Women”, go back or click here and take a look as this is a follow up to that post.

Statistics: 56% of women report having sex on the the first date.  In the previous posts we discussed the benefits to women when they wait, among them are…………, To preserve your heart, your body, and your mind while keeping your spirituality intact and honoring God.  It’s absolutely the best way to go for women.  However, there is a cost to everything and keeping it 100% real, it’s a process.

Just like anything that’s worth having and SCW would be remiss if we didn’t explore the downsides of waiting as well as the process of meeting a new man and exactly how to establish those boundaries. Because what the woman is really doing in this scenario is she is maintaining control over the relationship.

Doesn’t that sound good? Wouldn’t you like to be the one in control for a change instead of giving it away, losing control and having no leverage.  Because it’s not just, “oh you slept with him”, no, you gave away your control, and now you’ll just have to wait and see how things turnout, the devil is a liar!

You are the woman, it ends and begins with you, you have control, a man can’t do what you won’t let him do.  You tell him no it’s no.  He has two options, respect you for valuing yourself over him, see you as wife material and get to know you better or step off!

In which case he was just sport fishing anyway. Let him go make somebody else’s life miserable.  In sport fishing men will catch a fish, take a picture to commemorate the moment and throw it back in the water, he’s done.  It’s not important to him to keep the fish.  The joy to him was catching it!  As an SCW woman you are a keeper!

Smart Tip of the Day:  A woman, per God’s design has a strong desire in her to fit.  She wants to fit in somewhere, preferably with the right man. Genesis 2:21 “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof” King James Version.  The problem is because of this God given nature she’ll try to fit where she doesn’t belong!  So the protection from God for his daughters is to have you be married!

Downside of Waiting

  • You’re going to have to wait too.  Yes, shocker!  Women enjoy and want sex too.  Just as you’re making him wait you’ll be waiting as well but in the end it will be worth it.  In the meantime we have to exercise what’s called self control.
  • Time. A man is able to reproduce well into his eighties!  That’s why a lot of men are in no hurry to get married, they know they have virtually their whole lives.  Not so with women.  Women have a time clock, a window of opportunity if you will.  So women have to play the cards they’ve been dealt.  Meaning you have to live life according to your situation.  So for instance if you have your eye on a certain guy you can’t sit around waiting for him.  You have to do what’s best for your life. Trust God’s timing!                ΙΙ

Choosing The right Mate

Ask yourself what is most important to me in a relationship and make a list.  Do it now. Think about what qualities work for you.  Every woman’s list will be different, however as a guide SCW has listed the top 5 non negotiables.

  1. Be equally yoked! Only date Christian men. You must be on the same page from the start.
  2. Productive and stable! Meaning he is working, has a career, his own place, (not living with mom) own a car.  An exception to this is if he is finishing up in school, completing a master’s degree for instance, but everything else in is intact.  You don’t want to meet a man that is “going to do such and such” you want to meet one that “IS” doing it!  Bottom line he is his own man!
  3. Compatible goals for family and children.  What are his ideas as far as family and children are concerned?  Do they match up with yours?
  4. Compatible goals for Lifestyle?  Does one of you like to spend money like a drunken sailor giving no thought to the future, and the other is conservative?  Or does one of you want a house with a white picket fence in the country and the other wants a high rise condo in the city?
    This is important because these are the types of issues that can cause disharmony and division in a marriage.  However through communication they can also be worked out!  Marriage is hard under the best circumstances even with the God given mate God has blessed you with.  So don’t make it harder on yourself then it has to be.  Talk it out.
  5. How Does he treat you? How do you feel when you are with him?  3 Key traits consistency, reliability and chemistry.

How do I establish a new relationship with a new man and communicate to him that I’m waiting?  Be reasonable, what you don’t want to do is tell him on your first date that your body clock is ticking and you want to get married ASAP, even if it’s true.  It’s just not good timing.  You want to be smart.

  • First reset your mind.  Next make a vow to yourself that from here forward every new man is in a probationary period in your life in order for you to find out if he is husband material.  Essentially you want to see if he is what you want.  You’ve got the schedule to keep!  You’re choosing him! This type of thinking may take a little getting use to and that’s okay.  You’ll get through this and come out better and more confident.   You’ve heard of Steve Harvey’s 90 day rule for dating.  Give this new guy 3 months to show you what he’s about.  It will all come out don’t worry and it might not even take long.  During this time you are observing how he treats you, his personality, etc…  Now very important, this seems obvious but I don’t want to leave any stone unturned.  Don’t tell him he’s in probation, you just maintain control.  Second important thing do not sleep with him during this, if you do, you lose control of the relationship and give away your power.  Do not sleep with him until he puts a ring on your finger and you get married.  That’s the deal and its non negotiable, take it or leave it.  Trust me he’ll be enjoying the chase. The man God has for you will meet those standards, he’ll wait.  But you have to know that you are worth it.  You are the prize to be sought after.


  • Never think that you can change a man!  First, only God can change people.  You don’t want a fixer upper, you want a house that’s turn key ready.


  • Don’t ignore red flags.  Sometimes in wanting things to work out, women can ignore red flags. That’s a mistake it will only comeback to haunt you.  When people let you know who they are believe them.  Your only job is to observe and along the way you’re finding out what you want and what you don’t.

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Waiting For Sex until Marriage and the Benefits to Women

Smart Christian Women know that they are valuable!  A woman conveys her worth to a man when she makes him wait.  Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.  How many times have you given your heart and body to a man only to have him ghost you?  The woman is left devastated and broken.  Or worse you spend years with a man, living with him giving him all the benefits of marriage, only to have it end.  Eventually she heals, moves on to another man and repeats the same scenario.

Only because she mistakenly believes that that’s the way to get a man to stay.  The devil is a liar!  Don’t let him fool you!  You know for yourself that doesn’t work because you’ve tested it.  Like a loving father God wants to protect his daughters from from guys like the last guy who broke your heart.

He has given you something sacred, special, life giving, to be shared with your husband in the bonds of matrimony.  He wants you to have the security and stability you crave!  It’s time for women to have more satisfying relationships!

But you must begin to think differently and handle men differently!  The man that’s so-called scared off by you waiting until marriage is NOT the guy for you anyway!  He’s been sent by the enemy to seduce and distract you from getting the real life that God has for you.

But I know you’re smarter than that and that’s why the bible says “Wisdom is better than silver and Gold!”  You know what a man likes almost as much as SEX?  A Challenge!!!!  They are competition driven. Sports, games, business, and yes women.  The problem is there’s not much challenge left with women today.

Sex is Easy! There has to be something that distinguishes you from OTHER women!  And if he wants you he will rise to the challenge.  When my husband and I met and started dating he wanted to wait for marriage, it was his idea.  He’s a Christian man with Christian values, and I really admired that.

That’s how I knew he was the one.  He wanted me to know he was the real deal.  It was an awesome courtship and the best experience getting to know each other, knowing where the relationship was headed.  It was wonderful to know I was with the man God had for me!

When a man is willing to wait and honor the woman and honor the relationship, it is a gift from God!  Granted men like that are rare but that doesn’t mean you stop valuing yourself or lower your standards.  The right man will meet you on your level.

Sex inside marriage is the most amazing sexual experience of my entire Life!!  I thought it was just me having unbelievable sex.  It turns out there are research studies like the report from the “Journal Of Family Psychology” that says “those who waited for marriage were happier with the quality of sex in their relationship.”  Remember, “Love is Patient, Love is kind it does not insist on it’s own way” 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8.

8 Benefits of delaying sex until marriage for the Woman

  • It keeps God at the center of your relationship. You honor God with your relationship and He in turn blesses you.
  • You know you’re with the man God has for you
  • You can experience true love, security and stability, within the bonds of matrimony
  • Experience heightened pleasure and sexual freedom
  • You Have a solid foundation from which to build on
  • You guard your heart and emotions from men and stop suffering heartbreak
  • You maintain your dignity and respect for your body
  • You experience The Ultimate sexual experience in love

Smart Tip Of the Day: You will never be truly satisfied in the lusts of the flesh, because it’s not God’s way.  Your Best sexual experience, ultimate expression of love, and most satisfying relationship is waiting for you inside marriage!

God’s Women deserve the Best and women all over the world are learning that God’s way is the best Way!  My prayer for SCW women is that all of you will experience the best God has for you in every aspect of your life, love, relationships, and sexual expression.  Amen.

Verse of the day:

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Valentine’s Day, Celebration of Love

GOD Is Love, and we love because he first loved us, 1 John 4:19.  First love God, then love yourself, and then allow God to bring the right love into your life if he hasn’t already.  For single women, could it be that God is still working on YOU to get you ready to receive the love he has for you?

Often times God has to prepare us for his blessings. God had to do a lot of work on me to prepare me to receive a Husband.  I was fiercely independent as a single lady and it was difficult for me to open up to a man and allow myself to be vulnerable and experience true intimacy.

I had trust issues.  I had lost my mother and was very much walled up emotionally, on and on.  I’m here to tell you that all things are possible With God!!  But you really have to strip yourself down and humble yourself and be honest with God and be serious about your relationship with him.

He can read your heart! He knows when you’re serious and when your not.  If you’re one of those Sunday morning Christians trying to stay in the shallow end your wasting time!!!  You have to come out into the deep!!!!  And get ready for a haul.

It starts with your relationship with him, work on that first and he will give you the desires of your heart! The bible is clear “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added onto you!”

If God has blessed you with a spouse Cherish them, love them, and don’t make the mistake of taking anything for granted.  We need to honor God’s blessings, because the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.  However, one thing is clear his love for us, and as a Loving father he wants the best for us.  He is the creator of LOVE!

Tip of the day:  Single Ladies.  You are daughters of the King!  You are a child of the most high God!  You deserve the best and do not settle for less!  It’s not lowering your standards to come down to his level it’s about bringing him up to yours.
But it’s not your job to change a man and don’t try because the man God has for you will come equipped! He will not be a fixer upper!  Do you not know what the bible says about you?  It says nothing that a man has, nothing that he can acquire can compare to YOU!
And I want you to think of yourselves from this day forward as that pearl of great price!  Proverbs 8:11 “For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire compares with her.”

Tip of the day: Married Ladies.  To achieve a higher level of intimacy when spending time with your husband, do the unthinkable and experiment by both of you turning off your phones!  Not silence or vibrate, OFF!  This signifies that this is time set aside for us to connect as a married couple and we will be totally in the moment with no distractions!  Just for this moment keep conversation to only about the two of you.  No everyday stress talk, bills, kids, problems,etc….. concentrate solely on the two of you for that moment.  Even if you are tempted to talk about other things.. RESIST just for this moment.  Married Couples really do need to have some time that is all their own!!!!! Practice it over and over!

Sorry guys the busy week kind of got away from me but as promised you can click here for your Valentines Day ideas whether your doing frugal, or fancy you’ll be sure to have fun!

Click the link here for SCW’s Valentines Day Ideas!

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.  If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”1 Corinthians 13:4-8


“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”Romans 12:9-10

  • “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”Ephesians 4:2-3
  • “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.”Proverbs 31:10-12
  • “Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.”Colossians 3:18-19


  • “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”1 John 4:7

What is your Love Language?  Do you know the love language of your sweetheart?  people have a specific love language that appeals to them most effectively. Some people have more than one. Knowing the love language of your sweetheart can help you to communicate more effectively with them.

Happy Valentines Day to my Handsome Husband.  I found the one my heart Loves, Song of Solomon 3:4

Verse of the day:

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Submission and Straight Talk for Christian Couples and Singles

We have a special treat for your weekend reading and listening pleasure.  A double post about the hot topic of submission and “What men wish women knew” and “What women wish men knew”. Enjoy.  When a woman submits to her husband, she is actually submitting to God!  God set the man as leader and a woman can trust that God is good.  She also knows that nothing escapes God’s notice and a wicked man will be held accountable for his actions.  Did you know that God cares about women so much that if a husband doesn’t treat her right his prayers will not be answered!

I’ll prove it to you:
1 Peter 3:7 “Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.”  So God has you covered ladies!  However, a submissive wife is not relegated to idly sitting by while her husband makes all the family decisions.  In a healthy marriage, husband and wife work as a team.  When a decision cannot be jointly agreed upon, the leader makes it, knowing he is responsible foremost unto God for that decision.  He is commanded as leader to make good decisions for the family.

The Healthy Submissive

The healthy submissive is capable of, and thrives on, intense, intimate, emotionally open relationships. This is often evident in the number of nourishing, sustaining, and life affirming friendships she makes over the years.

The healthy submissive is a giver. She often needs help to ration herself because her impulses nearly always lead her to want to do good for others.

The healthy submissive is capable of intense joy, especially in the context of a sustaining relationship.

The healthy submissive finds significant relaxation when properly related. She is at ease in that place.

The healthy submissive has a fluidity of self, a flexibility that enables her to adapt to changing circumstances

The healthy submissive has no more than the usual cultural conflicts about her body, and its goodness and beauty.

The healthy submissive takes pride in her accomplishments.
The healthy submissive accepts herself as she is, knowing that while her culture values independence and self sufficiency, she has strong dependency needs and that there is no inherent “wrongness” about those needs.

The healthy submissive, in accepting herself “as is” is tolerant of others. But neither will she allow anyone to tell her what her truth should be.

The healthy submissive has a reasonable self concept, aware of her difficulties as well as her strengths.

The healthy submissive hunger to be the object of an intense and penetrating understanding. When her nature is understood and she is held in a loving and firm frame, her devotion is almost limitless. The healthy submissive has an enormous capacity for devotion, from which springs her service.

Ever wonder what’s on the minds of  single and married Christian men and women today?
I’m excited to bring to you, “The Chat”, a Christian show that features open, honest dialogue from a Christian perspective.  Find out what men think, and what they wish women knew.  What sends single men running in the other direction, what attracts him to you, how can we build better relationships.

Learn about everything from submission to leadership in the home.  I thought the posts complement one another and should go together.  Of course not to be outdone “What women wished men knew”.  It’s both for couples and singles alike, you are sure to enjoy, “What men wished women knew”.  My advice to ladies is really listen in on what the men have to say and then make mental adjustments accordingly.  In order to make changes we have to first understand.

On a personal note!

  • Prayer works!

SCW wants to lift up a fellow believer, Kirk and his family in prayer!  We understand that you don’t know him, but he is richly loved by us.  He’s battling a serious illness, and if any of you have family members or friends that have gone through this you know how tough it can be on the entire family.  So as a connected family of believers we ask that you pray for him as we do for you.  May God bless your hearts.

Verse of the day:

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Husband, Father, Servant

A husband and a father is a man’s highest calling.  What is the role of a Godly man?  How does a Christian woman recognize him when she sees him?  Scripture describes the man as leader.

1 Timothy 3:1-16,  “Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.  He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church?”

The man is to show honor to his wife found in,

1 Peter 3:7, “Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.”  The man, the husband, father, and servant leader is held accountable to God.  When Adam and Eve first sinned in the garden, God came looking for Adam!  The one He left in charge.  Adam blamed the woman.  That was unacceptable to God and in Genesis 3:23,  “The Lord God banished Adam from the Garden to work the ground from which he had been taken.”

Likewise wives are called to submit to their husbands.

Yes submit.  But not to just any man, a godly man, that’s taking his direction from God because he’s only as good as the resources he draws from.  I know Some women don’t like to hear that, however the bible is clear, and God does not change!  “He’s the same today yesterday and forever more.”
Malachi 3:6“I, the lord your God do not change!”  Colossians 3:18“Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in to the lord.”  Even Nature knows a female needs a strong man.

When eagles get ready to mate, and by the way eagles can only mate with other eagles, and not just any eagle, the most capable eagle.  Able to sustain a wife and family.  So the ritual goes as follows; the female eagle flies to the highest peak, and drops a stick mid-air, the male eagle capable of getting the stick is the one who gets to mate with the female eagle, sound easy?  Not so, there can be only one winner.

My husband is a Christian man, a praying man, he’s also a good money manager.  He’s always thinking about and preparing for our needs months down the road.  He’s very rational, reasonable, and self-controlled.  We pray together almost daily, usually in the morning to pray for our day.  We take our concerns to God!  Because worrying is no good!  I need him to be strong for me!  The bible says you’ll know him by his fruit!  He told me when we were dating I want to honor you, I don’t want sex until we’re married!  I could see that he was a very blessed man!  And a true Christian that practices what he preaches.  I said to him you’re the real deal baby!

Of course there were other things, like the way he treated me.  He knows HOW to treat a woman!  He treats me in such a way that I can’t help but surrender to the masculine energy!!!  He has a good heart and sincerely wants to do his best!  If a man does not do his best toward his woman his prayers are hindered 1 Peter 3:7  As a man do you ever wonder why your prayers are not being answered?  It’s because God is watching, and He knows the intents of the heart.  However, “the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.”  God will lead him to success, prosperity, good health, a good woman,etc….  There’s nothing sexier than a man on top of his game!


3 John 1:2, “Beloved, I wish above all things for you to prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers!”

Authors Note:  I would be remiss if I did not tell you that these types of men are rare these days!  They are NOT around every corner!  He’s a rare and special find.  The kind of man only God can bring!  So “be anxious for nothing but by prayer and supplication let your request be made known to God.”  Then prepare yourself to be found.  Work on yourself!!!!!  Whatever areas in your life need fixing, whether it be the inside, the outside, both!  Ask God to show you what needs to be fixed in your life.  I had a lot that needed to be worked out before receiving my husband, then God proved to me His word.  “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all of these things shall be added!!!!!”  He did indeed add everything I needed when I looked to HIM!!!!!!

Verse of The Day:

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Dating online for Single Christian Women

Love it or hate it online dating is here to stay.  Online dating has lost its’ stigma and 44% of Americans say that online dating is the way to go.  Christian dating sites have doubled in usage.  God is still sovereign over your relational life no matter which course you take to meet a potential spouse.  God can have  you meet your spouse anywhere.  Online dating is simply a technique of the times in which we live that allows us to meet people we may not otherwise get to meet.

However, whether online or not you still need to be careful about whom you choose to date.  The good thing about online dating is you get to browse profiles privately and without obligation.  Christian women have met their spouses online.  The complaint that I hear most often from women is that they don’t often get second dates.  Why is that?  A big part of a first date is obviously communication.  You have conversation to get to know someone.  I think this is where the breakdown comes, in conversation.   For example, if you’re a woman who talks about yourself through the whole date never letting a man get a word in edgewise he’s probably not going to want to see you again.

What a man should see on a date with a Christian woman is a potential wife.  Proverbs 18:22, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing.” That means you have to be wife material when he finds you.  What does that look like?

  • She’s a Christian like him and they are equally yoked together.  (Shares your value systems and beliefs.)
  • You have common interests.  For example you both like to travel.
  • She makes you a better man.  A good woman brings out the best in a man
  • She should have strength of character and carry herself with confidence.  She’s not afraid of losing a man because she makes him wait for intimacy.  A good Christian man will be in agreement with this.  This is the way I knew I had a true Christian man in my life with my husband.
  • She is smart.  She’s able to have interesting conversation along with ideas, opinions.
  • She’s attractive!  She’s a 10 in your eyes.  Not because she looks like a model necessarily, she can, but what’s important is she is beautiful inside as well.  Personality can make or break attraction big time!  Men have reported dating hot girls that ended up being ugly by the end of the date.  This is important to a man of substance!!  A man without substance is happy to sleep with you and then ghost you.
  • She loves you unconditionally.  The quickest way to ruin a relationship is to try to change a man.  He needs someone to love him for him.  None of us are perfect and that’s what we all want is to be loved for who we are.


  1.  Questions about his previous relationships!  This is a definite no-no.  Stay firmly in the present and future.
  2.  How many girlfriends have you had?  Nothing is more dull and boring then your failed past relationships.
  3.  How much money do you make?  Makes you sound shallow and superficial.  His situation will speak for itself
  4.  When does he want to get married and have kids and how many?
  5.  Any intimate questions about sex, it’s too early for this.
  6.  Avoid asking him to tell you his entire life story.  Save some for future dates, if any.

Dating tips for the single Christian Woman.

  • Keep conversation light. You can ask him things like what do you like to do for fun?
  • Meet him at the designated place for your first date, you drive separately.
  • You can talk about your careers.  What’s one thing you like the most about your job?  What is the thing you like the least about it?
  • The goal should be fun, light and enjoyable.


Verse of the day:

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SCW’s All-Time Viewer Favorites

Welcome new followers!  SCW’s popularity has grown tremendously.  Praise God for each person we’ve touched, for every article you’ve found interesting, for every scripture that has given you peace!  We’ve compiled a list of viewers statistical favorite posts.  We invite you to read and enjoy and always if you have a comment, we’d love to hear it.  This post marks our 800th POST!  Amazing even to us.  Time has just flown by.  SCW is your source for contemporary Christian reading that speaks in a modern way to our everyday lives, which uplifts and strengthens our spirit  through the word of God!


  • Faith

All of the blog post titles below are clickable links to the original posts.  Enjoy!

Spiritual Awakening

Called to be a light in a dark world

What does it mean to be a Christian Woman?

The Armour of God

Strengthening your family bond through Christ

How do I become a Christian?

Feeding your Spirit

The struggles of Christianity, Mind, Body and Spirit

Praise and Worship

5 Benefits of Praying Together as a Couple 

Holy Land Experience

Encouraging verses to comfort you in tough times

Beyond a Sunday morning Christian

Making your Exit, (Leaving behind what is not of God)

Spending Quiet Time with God

Being Grounded in Faith

Learning Spiritual discernment

Divine Healing

Living a Transformed Life


  • Married Women



Understanding Submission

Becoming a Godly Wife who honors her Husband

The Sexually Confident Wife

Balancing your role as a Wife and Mom

Submissive Wife Committed Husband

Being the Best helpmate to your Husband

Forgiveness and Trust in Marriage

Secret Sex lives of Conservative Christian Woman

The Color of Love, (Christian Interracial Marriages)

30 Days to Better Sex, (A journey through Intimacy)

Life after Divorce

Romance and Leisure for the Married Couple

Marriage Retreats

An Exceptional Wife

The Irresistible Wife

Showing Respect to your Husband

How to “Think Together” in Marriage

Keeping Love Alive after Baby Arrives

Keeping Passion Alive after Years of Marriage

Happy Wedding Anniversary 2018 to my Amazing Husband. Your Love is a Blessing.

  • Single Women


How to get past looks when Finding Love

Trusting God’s Timing for Christian Singles

Top Cities to meet Single Christian Men

Are you Dating a Gentlemen?

Destigmatizing Online Dating

Single Christian Women Love Yourselves

Christian Dating Principles – Waiting on the Man God has for You

10 Tips for Finding Mr. right

Handling Break ups for the Single Woman

Dating Guidelines For Singles

A Guide to First Dates

Can a Christian Woman be a Cougar? (#1 post)

Single Ladies: How to Attract the Guy You Want

10 Mistakes Women make in Online Dating Profiles

Where to Find Single Christian Men

8 Ways you’re Killing a Man’s Interest in You

It’s a Great Time to be a Single Woman over 40

Single Women: Show Him how to Treat You

  • Teen Girls

Christian Girls who become Christian Women

Teen Scene – How to Be the most Popular Girl in School

Teen girls, What young Christian Men Think About You

Youth on Fire

  • Professional Christian Women & Eutrapeurialship

21 Ways to God Given Wealth and Success

Women in Business & Entrepreneurship

Spotlight on Christian Business Women

Habits of Successful Women

Supplementing your Income with Side Jobs Online

Home based Business Ideas

Christian Women Entrepreneurs

Dressing for Professional Success

Couples (Dating, Engaged, long-term)

Ladies I want to emphasize what being a couple means, and what it should mean for a Christian Woman.  A Smart Christian woman Does not just aimlessly date without purpose with just any man who asks her out (as if).  No, a smart Christian woman wants a Godly man, the Christian man who god has for her.  Which means she only accepts date with men that are on the same page as her as far as her beliefs and values (A Christian man).  A man who has created a future for himself, is stable, and able to support a wife and family and wants to settle down.

That doesn’t mean on  the first date she tells him she wants to get married and have kids by next week!   Through conversation and getting to know someone it won’t take long at all to find out where this man’s head is at!  So you do want a man who is looking for that long-term relationship that leads to a life partnership!  So he’s either that type of man or he is  not, but in any case life is short and a smart woman doesn’t waste time with men who aren’t suitable for her ie unequally yoked!

5 Benefits of Praying Together as a Couple

How to tell if you’re in a Codependent Relationship

Couples Recharge

Couples Date Night at Home

The 80/20 Relationship Rule

Letting go of Bad Relationships

Fight the good fight turn Spats into Solutions

Couples Summer Date Night Ideas

Top Romantic Summer Getaways for Couples 2017

Healthy Relationships

  • Fitness

Best Workout Apps on your Phone

7 Habits of Healthy Women

Fit and Healthy

Smart and Fit

Healthy Habits of People who Stay Fit

7 Tips to Toned, tight, fit, and Amazing Inspiration

Eat Right get Slim

Fit Moms equals Hot Mommas

How to get your Body ready for Summer in 6 Weeks

  • All Women Category

How to take the stress out of Homemaking for the modern Woman

7 Habits to reclaim your Peace of Mind

Looking great at any age, 20s, 30s,40s, 50; and Beyond

Conquering feelings of being Overwhelmed

Purpose Driven Woman

Smart Women Smart Money

Maintaining Respect in Relationships

How Christian Women can Mentor and be Mentored

Smart Travel

Fun Frugal Date Nights

Love vs. Lust

Changing your Thinking

Successful Women Maintaining Relationships

Home buying tips for your First Home

Using Wisdom to make Decisions

Leadership and Masculine Energy

A Woman’s Confidence is Key

Law of Attraction

  • Overcoming Obstacles and Fear

Overcoming Social Anxiety Disorder

Overcoming Addictions and Bad Habits

Suicide and Depression

Overcoming Grief

Breaking the cycle of Physical and Sexual Domestic Violence

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People

Overcoming Depression

Coping with Life’s transitions

Domestic Violence

How to Heal a Broken Heart

Building Strong Families in Christ

Encouragement for Difficult Times

Coping with Loneliness During the Holidays

Remembering Loved ones in Heaven

 I’m a Smart Christian Woman

I’m a Smart Christian Woman

Verse of the Day:

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